Kienow Family History and Heritage

We trace our heritage back to this German-speaking area of northern Europe

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German Genealogy: Pommern/Pomerania View Full Details
Submitter: skenow
Published:  06 Nov 2005

Links and information about Pommern
linked: 1775 times

Rating:    (0 Votes)

Kreis Regenwalde View Full Details
Submitter: skenow
Published:  23 Aug 2023

All GeoCities sites went offline on or before October 26. 2009. This was has been preserved by and can be viewed in a limited capacity at

A site dedicated specifically to Kreis Regenwalde maintained by Edna Pieper...
linked: 662 times

Rating:    (0 Votes)

Pomeranian History View Full Details
Submitter: skenow
Published:  06 Nov 2005

History of Pommern by Myron Gruenwald
linked: 994 times

Rating:    (0 Votes)

Pommern Info View Full Details
Submitter: skenow
Published:  06 Nov 2005

Kreis maps and lots of links and information about Pommern
linked: 989 times

Rating:    (0 Votes)

Pommern Regional Group of Minnesota View Full Details
Submitter: skenow
Published:  25 May 2024

The Purpose of the PRG is to:
* stimulate interest in the genealogy and history of Pommern
* collect, preserve and publish genealogical and historical
materials about Pommern
* provide a forum to share research methods and...
linked: 1447 times

Rating:    (0 Votes)

Pommern Worldsite View Full Details
Submitter: skenow
Published:  06 Nov 2005

For Pommern people all around the world
linked: 1315 times

Rating:    (0 Votes)