Kienow Family History and Heritage

A lot of the culture we inherited is German, learn more from these sites

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German Genealogy Network View Full Details
Submitter: skenow
Published:  06 Nov 2005

The society for Computergenealogy maintains several servers,
on which can find a lot of information related to german genealogy
linked: 1128 times

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Internet Sources of German Genealogy View Full Details
Submitter: skenow
Published:  06 Nov 2005

Lots of links!

© 1995-98 by Andreas Hanacek
Last update: 06-Dec-1998
linked: 2231 times

Rating:    (0 Votes)

Learn Sutterlin (German handwriting) View Full Details
Submitter: skenow
Published:  06 Nov 2005

This site can help you learn how to read some of the old German script
linked: 945 times

Rating:    (0 Votes)

Max Kade Institute View Full Details
Submitter: skenow
Published:  06 Nov 2005

Part of the University of Wisconsin's College of Letters and Science
linked: 1321 times

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