Kienow Family History and Heritage

General : Family Trees Are Back Online
Posted by skenow on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 (5506 reads)

I have finally discovered the conflict in the Family Trees module and made the appropriate changes - so the family trees are now available again. I am also picking the development of the module again and hope to have some new improvements available soon.

Thanks for all your patience!

General : Family Trees Offline Temporarily
Posted by skenow on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 (2655 reads)

Recent changes to have caused some unexpected side effects and the family tree area will be offline until I have resolved those problems.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but such is the life of software updates!

General : Happy New Year!
Posted by skenow on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 (2111 reads)

Well, 2008 is coming to a close - time to reflect on what the past 12 months have brought...

For our family, there was a new job, a trip to Mexico, a high school graduation, a new grandson, the loss of a great-uncle - along with all the day-in-day-out things. All-in-all, pretty normal, but extraordinary stuff.

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General : Merry Christmas!
Posted by skenow on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 (1626 reads)

Today is not just the day after Christmas, it is the second day of Christmas - take a little time out of your day for each of the next 11 days to truly celebrate Christmas and honor the birth of Jesus Christ.

Here's What I Know : Thanksgiving Is Not Just a 1-Day Event
Posted by skenow on Tue, 02 Dec 2008 (2164 reads)

Thanksgiving Day? Why wait until the 4th Thursday of November to be thankful? I think as a culture, we have unlearned how to be greatful for what we have. There isn't any other explanation for why hundreds of thousands of people would get up early on a Friday morning and brave cold weather in hopes of acquiring some new trinket.

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