Kienow Family History and Heritage

Here's What I Know : Starting the year off right
Posted by skenow on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 (1638 reads)

Today is just like any other day - really. It just happens to be the first day of the year (on our calendar). There are a lot of other calendars in use around the world, and they all are just as arbitrary. When is the 'first day' of anything?

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General : Back Online, Again
Posted by skenow on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 (1534 reads)

We experienced a disruption in our service over the past 24 hours due to some unauthorized access of our web server. Our web host suspended our service until we could remedy the situation. Hopefully, we have.
Thanks for your patience during this outage.

General : New Look for!
Posted by skenow on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 (1630 reads)

I've promised an update to the web site, and now it is a reality! All (or most) of the old content is still here, plus some new capabilities, as well. I've tried to keep the organization similar to the old format, and provide you with a smooth transition.

One of my motivations for the change is to allow family members to participate easily in building and maintaining this site. The new format allows members to contribute news articles, stories about family, photos, calendar events, and also provides a place for discussions and ways to communicate with other family members.

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