Kienow Family History and Heritage

General : Updates from the 2011 Kenow Family Reunion
Posted by skenow on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 (5892 reads)

Several family members gathered at the home of Spike Kenow on Saturday, 17 September for an afternoon of fun, food and stories. The weather was a bit cool and grey, but the sun came out for a while and everyone had a great time!

The official attendance count was 45 and 6 of the 12 families were represented. I've added an album on the website (and on Facebook, for those of you there. You should be able to view the photos without a Facebook account) of the photos taken today.

I think the approach we took this year was a winner - no meetings, no committee, just a date and time, a place and everyone bring snacks to share.

Stay in touch, spread the word, get connected with more kin and do this again soon!

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