Kienow Family History and Heritage

General : Albert and Mary Smetana Kenow Family Gathering - 2011
Posted by skenow on Thu, 18 Aug 2011 (7975 reads)

Albert and Mary (Smetana) KienowThis year marks the 110th anniversary of Grandpa and Grandma's wedding and Spike Kenow has graciously invited the Clan to meet at her house on Saturday Sept. 17, 2011. Those who attended our last reunion there in 2007 remember that she has a beautiful house with a deck and a spacious yard. Gathering time is 1:00 PM for visiting and reminiscing - eat before coming and bring a dessert or snack to share, keeping in mind those who are diabetic.


The plan: We will have a family picnic (desserts or snacks only) at Spike's house on Saturday, Sept. 17. Remember that there are some family members who are diabetic. Four years ago we had beautiful weather for the weekend. Her garage would be available if the weather does not cooperate. Families should bring their own beverages except for coffee (provided). Coffee, paper plates, tableware, napkins will be provided.

The location: Spike's house: 10348 Kimbro Ct. From Highway 61 in Cottage Grove, go east on Kimbro Ave about one block.

Other details: bring a lawn chair if possible. Use family email list to invite families and encourage phone calls to those who don't have email. Some lawn games will be provided.

Special feature this year: Slide show of the Kenow family photos collected over the years. In addition we now have pictures of the area where the Kienow Family lived in Germany before coming to America. This area is now part of Poland since the end of WW II.

What to do next: Complete the sign up form. Tell more people. Come and have fun!

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