Kienow Family History and Heritage

Genealogy Page of de Bruyn Kops

This GeoCities website is no longer available. GeoCities ceased to exist in 2009 (October 26th, to be exact). Some sites were archive by, however, this one does not appear to have been preserved.

This was the home page for the de Bruyn Kops surname, with more than just names, places, and dates.

Submitter: skenow
Publisher: skenow
Updated On: 23 Aug 2023
linked: 1041 times

Rating:    (0 Votes)

Other links by: skenow
Seeking Michigan (11 Nov 2018)
PHPGedView (25 Oct 2006)
Kreis Regenwalde (18 Oct 2006)
Silktide Sitescore (03 Oct 2006)
Alexa (03 Oct 2006)
Dalby Database (28 Jan 2006)

Genealogy Page of de Bruyn Kops © copyright 2024
The comments are owned by the poster. We aren't responsible for their content.