Happy New Year!

Date Wed, 31 Dec 2008 | Topic: General

Well, 2008 is coming to a close - time to reflect on what the past 12 months have brought...

For our family, there was a new job, a trip to Mexico, a high school graduation, a new grandson, the loss of a great-uncle - along with all the day-in-day-out things. All-in-all, pretty normal, but extraordinary stuff.

I've written resolutions before, there's even an article here - Resolve to be Resolute - but living intentionally is not a 1-day event, it's an everyday practice. What I hope for all of you is that you take the time to look back at 2008 and find things to celebrate and things that taught you something and made you wiser for 2009.

God's blessings - now and forever.

This article comes from Kienow Family History and Heritage

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