It's Time to Move On

Date Tue, 03 Jan 2006 | Topic: Here's What I Know

Another thought occurred to me as I was thinking about New Year's. One of the most-missed themes of New Year's is "It's Time to Move On." Really. How often do we drag things along with us that hold us back? I know I still harbor some memories of things I did that I wish would go away, but they won't. They happened. And I replay them over and over and over again. I can't go back and change them, though. I wonder - how many good things were missed because I was so absorbed with the past?

I have heard a lot of sermons in my life, and there are a few that stand out. One I recall, or at least, a sentence I recall, talked about looking at the future in the light of the past. It hit home then, and it still hits home now.
As human beings, we have a limited understanding of the passage of time. We know about the past, we live in the present, and we wonder about the future. The problem most of us have, is that we live in the past, we ignore the present, and we worry about the future. With this kind of approach, we never get out of the past.
A bit of New Year's wisdom - it's OK to dream, as long as you wake up and do something about it. Or, if you can't change it, it's a fact of life. Get over it and move on. Not what you might 'normally' hear at New Year's, but normal isn't all it's cracked up to be.

This article comes from Kienow Family History and Heritage

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